

  • 25 years old
  • Singaporean who has studied and lived in Australia for 4 years
  • Loves desserts so much that she owns a healthier bakery online – bunnybakery.co that specialises in using 100% whole foods in their cakes and other treats
  • Sings for a rock band and practises her singing diligently in the shower


Armed with an iPhone 7, Andrea hops in and out of burrows around the world, hunting for the yummiest brunch and desserts from hipster cafes and restaurants.

Having visited over 120 cafes in Asia Pacific (Check out her Instagram!), Andrea has a passion for cafehopping in Singapore (her home burrow) and overseas.

Hunting for cafes on her furry foot is seen as an adventure to her, as unexpected things (good or bad) have happened before,  including being lost, drenched in the rain, sunburnt while searching for the route to the cafe and even contracting blisters from long walks.

Nonetheless,  the ultimate reward at the end – her favourite breakfast food with air-conditioning – provides Andrea one of the most blissful feeling ever!

She also doesn’t just hop to any cafe though, she does her extensive research to obtain a piece of mind.

THE REASON? Why waste money on Good looking BAD FOOD? 

This blog is created as a guide for other foodies to not only save their hard earned money, but also calories on other good food… You’re welcome 😉


If the world is coming to an end (choy ah!), a cup of Masala Chai latte spammed with bountiful amounts of cinnamon, a Shibuya toast with ice cream & a plate of Teochew braised duck rice would satisfy her – before flying to Australia with her loved ones and catch the final sunset.

When not being around food, she enjoys singing, listening to house music and working out a sweat.


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